sia armgate environmental policy

The type of business activity of SIA ARMGATE (Company) is sales and installation, maintenance and repair services of laboratory and measuring equipment. This Environmental Management System covers:

  • Company’s sales processes carried out in the office premises of SIA ARMGATE located at 20 Liliju Str., Marupe, Marupes novads, LV-2167, Latvia;
  • Installation, maintenance, and repair services of laboratory and measuring equipment sold by the Company, that are carried out by the Company’s employees at customer premises.

The Company is committed to protecting the environment of the Earth.

To minimize environmental impacts concerning our activities, products and services, we shall:

  • Comply with applicable legal requirements and other requirements which relate to its environmental aspects and to which the Company subscribes.
  • Ensure employees carry out their tasks in an environmentally responsible manner.
  • Ensure rational use of resources and materials by our employees.
  • Prevent pollution and reduce waste generated by the Company’s Business Activities.
  • Ensure separate collection of waste as far as it is practically possible and useful.
  • Whenever possible and practicable, prefer suppliers and subcontractors having ISO 14001 EMS.
  • Pursue implementation of a digitalization project of the Company, moving towards a “Paperless Office”.
  • Consider purchasing a hybrid or electric vehicle whenever an existing Company vehicle requires replacement, or a new vehicle needs to be purchased.
  • Continuously improve our Environmental Management System to enhance environmental performance.

This Policy has been communicated to all staff, and is available to all contractors and suppliers, and the public on the Company’s website

Endorsed by:

Vineta Zilgalve

Member of the Board, SIA ARMGATE